

Level 1 - Mechanics - upper body

We begin breaking your mechanics down and address any hiccups the quarterback may have in their mechanics. We will then spend several sessions addressing these hiccups, athletes will begin to see an increase in ball rotation, velocity and accuracy.

Level 2 - Advanced Mechanics - high level of mechanics

During level 2 we will begin the lower body into the quarterbacks throwing mechanics. We will work from the shoulders down beginning with teaching the quarterbacks how to use their core to add velocity to the football. Next we will work on their base and using their legs to push the football further. Quarterbacks will begin to see an increase in ball velocity, accuracy and less stress on their rotator cuff. 

Level 3 - Footwork - learning the steps

Quarterbacks will learn the proper mechanics and steps to take in order to complete all quick game passes. Including quick game steps from shot gun and three step drop from under center. We will revisit Level 1 and 2 mechanics daily and if/when the quarterbacks are beginning to use bad mechanics. 

Level 4 - Advanced Footwork - learning steps

Quarterbacks will learn the proper mechanics and steps in order to complete long game passes in a timely manner. Including 3 and 5 step drops from shotgun and pistol as well as 5 step and some 7 step drops from under center. We will also begin to show the quarterbacks how to reset your body to throw different passes. At this time we begin to breakdown coverages and how to take advantage of what the defense is doing. 

Level 5 - Game Simulation and Film - pocket movement and out of the pocket throws

Here we will go over drills to help the quarterbacks move in the pocket efficiently and teach the quarterbacks how to keep their body ready at all times. We also teach quarterbacks how to get out of the pocket and set their bodies up to throw on the run as well as setting up quickly and throwing.